"Helix" Collection
"Helix Loop"
"Helix Loop" opposite pitch
"Infinite Loop" time-lapse photo
"Infinite Loop"
"DNA-B" in situe at the Victoria Art Gallery
"DNA-B" in situe at the Victoria Art Gallery
"DNA-B" freely suspended
"Phased Double Helix"
"Phased Double Helix"
"Phased Double Helix"
"Interlinked Double Helix"
"Interlinked Double Helix"
"Apposing Double Helix"
"Apposing Double Helix"
"Triple Helix"
"Triple Helix"
"Triple Helix"
Close up of "Phased Double Helix"
"Infinite Loop"
"Infinite Loop"
"Infinite Loop" on its way to the Royal Academy
"DNA-B" in situe at the Victoria Art Gallery
"Helix Component"
"Helix Loop"
"Apposing Double Helix"
"Interlinked Double Helix"
"Interlinked Double Helix"
"Phased Double Helix"
"Phased Double Helix"
"Helix Loop"
"Helix Loop"
"Triple Helix"
"Triple Helix"

“Helix” is a collection of sculptures made from solid oak components which when connected together can form a variety of different Helices. The most basic of which is just a straight spiral. "DNA-B". This piece demonstrates this basic function in the form of a 5ft continual Helix, taking the same helical pitch and gauge as the naturally occurring DNA-B strand found in human DNA. The Piece was exhibited in the “Society of Bath Artists” open exhibition at the Victoria Art Gallery, Bath in 2016.

The series takes on a number of different works all elaborating on this theme. The final and most complex piece is "Infinite Loop". This piece consists of three Helices that all revolve in and around each other, powered by a 3D printed gear box made from biodegradable plastic. "Infinite Loop" was a finalist at the Royal Academy's Summer Exhibition 2017.

Ten pieces of the “Helix” collection has recently been displayed at “David Simon Contemporary” gallery in Bath, UK.

"Helix" Collection
"Helix" Collection

This is the first in the series of the "Helix" series. Consisting of one continuous loop of solid Oak. The free standing form can be orientated in a variety of different positions. Left free standing as seen in the current view, the shape becomes a never ending staircase or "Loop".

"Helix Loop"
"Helix Loop"
"Helix Loop" opposite pitch
"Helix Loop" opposite pitch
"Infinite Loop" video

"Infinite Loop", 6 DNA Helices in Solid Oak

"Infinite Loop" time-lapse photo
"Infinite Loop" time-lapse photo
"Infinite Loop"
"Infinite Loop"
"DNA-B" in situe at the Victoria Art Gallery
"DNA-B" in situe at the Victoria Art Gallery
"DNA-B" in situe at the Victoria Art Gallery
"DNA-B" in situe at the Victoria Art Gallery
"DNA-B" freely suspended
"DNA-B" freely suspended
"Phased Double Helix"
"Phased Double Helix"
"Phased Double Helix"
"Phased Double Helix"
"Phased Double Helix"
"Phased Double Helix"
"Interlinked Double Helix"
"Interlinked Double Helix"
"Interlinked Double Helix"
"Interlinked Double Helix"
"Apposing Double Helix"
"Apposing Double Helix"
"Apposing Double Helix"
"Apposing Double Helix"
"Triple Helix"
"Triple Helix"
"Triple Helix"
"Triple Helix"
"Triple Helix"
"Triple Helix"
Close up of "Phased Double Helix"
Close up of "Phased Double Helix"
"Infinite Loop"
"Infinite Loop"
"Infinite Loop"
"Infinite Loop"
"Infinite Loop" on its way to the Royal Academy
"Infinite Loop" on its way to the Royal Academy
"DNA-B" in situe at the Victoria Art Gallery
"DNA-B" in situe at the Victoria Art Gallery
"Helix Component"
"Helix Component"

Viewed here is the first stage assembly of the Helix. Constructed from individually made components of solid Oak that are then joined together, each spiral then dictates the form that it is based on.

"Helix Loop"
"Helix Loop"
"Apposing Double Helix"
"Apposing Double Helix"
"Interlinked Double Helix"
"Interlinked Double Helix"
"Interlinked Double Helix"
"Interlinked Double Helix"
"Phased Double Helix"
"Phased Double Helix"
"Phased Double Helix"
"Phased Double Helix"
"Helix Loop"
"Helix Loop"
"Helix Loop"
"Helix Loop"
"Triple Helix"
"Triple Helix"
"Triple Helix"
"Triple Helix"